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Our retina specialists are leading the way in retina surgery, with innovative and advanced techniques. Click through to find information and videos on the procedures we provide.

Intravitreal Injection

Intravitreal injections are commonly used to treat retinal diseases such as diabetic retinopathy, macular degeneration, macular edema, and retinal vein occlusion. These diseases may result in severe loss of vision and should be treated as early as possible.

Lucentis, Avastin, Eylea, Jetrea, Triesence, Ozurdex, Iluvien

Medications such as Lucentis, Avastin, Eylea, Jetrea, Triesence, Ozurdex, and Iluvien can be injected via intravitreal injection directly into the eye to help patients maintain their vision and keep vision loss at a minimum.

Micro-Incisional Vitrectomy

Patients with certain diseases may benefit from a micro-incisional vitrectomy. This procedure involves removing the vitreous by cutting and suctioning it out with tiny instruments that are inserted into the eye.

Photodynamic Therapy

Photodynamic therapy is a treatment method used to address the complications of “wet” macular degeneration. Photodynamic therapy is a two-step procedure that can be performed in the doctor’s office.

Pneumatic Retinopexy

Pneumatic retinopexy is an office-based technique for certain types of retinal detachment. This procedure involves a bubble of gas that is positioned over the retinal tear(s), allowing for fluid to be pumped out from beneath the retina to repair the detachment.

Retinal Laser Photocoagulation

Retinal laser photocoagulation is a minimally invasive procedure used to treat leaking blood vessels in the retina that stem from serious retinal conditions such as diabetic retinopathy and macular edema. This procedure can also seal retinal tears.

Scleral Buckle Surgery

Scleral buckling is a surgical procedure performed in the operating room that can be used to repair a retinal detachment, which occurs when the retina becomes separated from the back wall of the eye, usually due to the development of tears in the retina.

Retina News and Updates

June 12 – Traveling to your appointment
Allen Ho, MD speaks on new FDA approval of Syfovre for Geographic Atrophy
Mid Atlantic Retina recognized in 2023 Castle Connolly Top Doctors