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Post-Procedure Instructions

Patient Instructions for Care after Eye Injection

  1. Call our office immediately at 800-331-6634 if your vision suddenly worsens or you experience pain. After hours this number will connect you with our 24/7 answering service.
  2. Many patients have a “scratchy” or “sandy” sensation in their eye following the injection. Artificial tear drops or gel can be used to soothe the eye. It is important to avoid rubbing the eye.
  3. A red spot or area of blood on the white of the eye at the injection site may occur. This usually resolves within two weeks or so.
  4. New floaters on the day after the injection are common and should subside within days. They should not worsen over time. If so, call the office promptly.
  5. A small bubble may appear in the bottom of your vision (visible as a round dark spot or circle that moves along with the eye or head) and should disappear within 48 hours.
  6. No swimming for 4 days and avoid getting tap water to the eye (shut tightly when showering).
  7. Keep your next appointment as scheduled.

Patient Instructions for Care after Retina Surgery

  1. Mild to moderate pain, ache, or discomfort following retina surgery is common, particularly in the first few days following scleral buckle surgery. Artificial tear drops or gel can be used to soothe the eye and Tylenol (or a prescription pain medication, if given) can be taken.
  2. Call our office immediately at 800-331-6634 if you are experiencing severe or increasing eye pain, increasing redness or secretions or a sudden loss of vision.
  3. If a gas bubble was used in your surgery, air travel or travel over high mountains is not permitted until the bubble has disappeared. Initially, the bubble will significantly limit your vision. As the bubble gradually shrinks in size, you may see a wavering “water line” across your visual field and find that you can see around it. There are different types of air/gas that last varying amounts of time in the eye, usually on the order of weeks.
  4. For the first week, protect the eye at night while sleeping by wearing the hard plastic eye shield. During the day, wear a pair of sunglasses, glasses, or the plastic eye shield. Use of a sterile gauze pad is not necessary.
  5. After surgery, it is quite common for the eye to water or secrete a mucus-like substance tinged with blood. It is okay to gently wipe away secretions from the eyelid with a clean, warm wash cloth without applying pressure to the eye.
  6. The white of the eye may appear red due to superficial blood; this will improve typically over 2-4 weeks.
  7. Follow all written instructions regarding eye drop medications and remember to wait 3-5 minutes between instilling different medications.
  8. Avoid driving and physical exertion from your routine work or exercise regimens, or sexual activity until cleared by your surgeon.
  9. You may resume your usual diet, use the other eye for tasks such as watching television or reading, and perform routine hygiene tasks such as showering, shaving or washing hair with the eye closed.
  10. If you were on a blood thinner such as Coumadin or aspirin prior to surgery, you should resume it after your first postoperative visit unless otherwise instructed. You should continue your other regular medications, such as ones for blood pressure.
  11. Postoperative head positioning is very important. Adhere to the instructions you were given in order to help increase the odds of a successful outcome.
  12. Keep your next appointment as scheduled and remember to bring your eye drop medications and instruction sheets with you.

Patient Instructions for Care after Laser Treatment

After laser treatment, you may experience the following:

1. Bright colors that may be red, green, yellow, or pink for 15-30 minutes. It may also be dark for a few minutes immediately after the laser. Your vision will return shortly.

2. Transient additional blurriness.

3. Scratchiness, irritation, or foreign body sensation that should resolve by the next day.

4. Dull, ache-like pain for a day or so that can be relieved with acetaminophen (Tylenol) or any nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agent (e.g., ibuprofen).

If you received a numbing injection, the staff may patch your eye after the procedure. You may remove the patch after six hours, but please do not rub the eye the day of the procedure. A red spot or area of blood on the white of the eye at the injection site may occur. This usually resolves within two weeks or so.

The laser does not treat or remove any flashes and floaters that you are currently experiencing. However, if you experience a substantial increase in floaters or any new/worse visual changes, please call the office immediately.

Follow-up Appointments

Your physician will schedule a follow-up appointment. Your eyes will be dilated at this appointment. It is very important to keep this appointment so the physician can evaluate the results of the laser treatment.