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9th Annual Reticon Conference

Dr. Sunir Garg was invited to attend the 9th Reticon Conference that was held in Chennai, India. World-famous ophthalmologist, Amar Agarwal, hosts the event and invites over 700 attendees to speak and present at the conference, along with one foreign speaker, who was Dr. Garg this year! During the conference, Dr. Garg gave four different talks on: “What interview trail injections have taught us about endophthalmitis”, “Management of diabetic macular edema”, “Controversies in the treatment of proliferative diabetic monopoly” and “Hypersonic vitrectomy”.

The governor of the state presented Dr. Garg with a medal for his contributions to the retina field and was treated as a special guest of honor during his time there. Congratulations Dr. Garg!

Many different news outlets interviewed and wrote about the conference, featuring Dr. Garg, read more here!